Friday, November 22, 2019

Hello Ranchlands School Community!

Bridge Club

This week in Bridge Club Tahia was our Leader of the Day! Congratulations Tahia!

Students continued learning about belonging and kindness. They made a Kind Superhero!

Students from the Bridge Club had their first field trip today to Big Box, an indoor play and activity centre!

Patrol News

Patrollers will be having a meeting on Thursday, November 28 at lunch in Room 14. All patrollers should bring their lunch that day.

New schedule for December:

December 2019 

Monday - Thursday
(Arrive at patrol station)   Nov. 25-Nov. 29  Dec. 2-Dec. 6
(8:50)     8:55 – 9:10           Team 1              Team 3   
(12:20)   12:25 – 12:40       Team 10             Team 9  
(12:55)   1:00 – 1:15           Team 6              Team 7
(3:45)     3:50 – 4:05           Team 2               Team 4

Friday: only before and after school teams go out.
(8:50)     8:55 – 9:10           Team 1               Team 3
(1:15)     1:20 –1:35            Team 2               Team 4

Monday - Thursday
(Arrive at patrol station)   Dec. 9-Dec. 13   Dec. 16-19 (8:50)     8:55 – 9:10           Team  5             Team 2  
(12:20)   12:25 – 12:40       Team  8             Team  11  
(12:55)   1:00 – 1:15           Team 13             Team  12
(3:45)     3:50 – 4:05           Team  1              Team 3 

Friday: only before and after school teams go out.
(8:50)     8:55 – 9:10            Team  5           Team 2
(1:15)     1:20 –1:35             Team  1            Team 3

*Please arrive at the patrol station 5 minutes before you scheduled time in order to be ready.