Friday, September 27, 2019

Hello Ranchlands School Community!

Image result for different language wordlePosters have been going up around the school this week celebrating our very special diversity at Ranchlands School! Did you know we have over 37 different spoken languages in our school! For some of our families, English is a third or fourth language. Speaking more than one language can have many benefits for our brain including strengthening memory, increasing focus and attention span, and the ability to multi-task or do more than one thing at time. It is important that if your child is a learning English as another language at school, to continue to use your home language at home. The CBE has a helpful document that outlines the many benefits of keeping the home language alive:

Keep Your Home Language Alive! 

-Your child will develop stronger English skills if you continue to use and develop your home language. 
-Your home language will help your child to learn. When a child knows about things in the home language, he or she will learn about things in the second language more easily. 
-Your home language supports your child’s sense of identity. 
-Knowing the home language helps children to communicate easily within the family and the community. (adapted from Coelho, E. Adding English 2004 Pippin Publishing) 

For tips on how to do this at home, the full document can be found here:

Patrol News

The new trained grade 5 patrollers are excited to join our grade 6 school safety patrol teams in October. The new schedule has been posted at the patrol station and in classrooms.

October 2019 

Monday - Thursday
(Arrive at patrol station)   Sept.30-Oct.4 Oct. 7-Oct. 10
(8:50)     8:55 – 9:10           Team 1               Team 3   
(12:20)   12:25 – 12:40       Team 8               Team 10  
(12:55)   1:00 – 1:15           Team 6               Team 7
(3:45)     3:50 – 4:05           Team 2               Team 4

Friday: only before and after school teams go out.
(8:50)     8:55 – 9:10           Team 1               Team 3
(1:15)     1:20 –1:35            Team 2               Team 4

Monday - Thursday
(Arrive at patrol station) Oct. 15-Oct. 18 Oct. 21-Oct. 25                   (8:50)    8:55 – 9:10           Team  5           Team 2  
(12:20)   12:25 – 12:40       Team  9           Team  12  
(12:55)   1:00 – 1:15           Team 11           Team 13
(3:45)     3:50 – 4:05           Team  1           Team 3 

Friday: only before and after school teams go out.
(8:50)     8:55 – 9:10            Team  5           Team 2
(1:15)     1:20 –1:35             Team 1            Team 3

*Please arrive at the patrol station 5 minutes before you scheduled time in order to be ready.