Friday, February 8, 2019

Hello Ranchlands School Community!

Homework Tips for Parents of English Language Learners

Homework is important for students and their academic success, but helping your child with homework can be difficult — especially if you are still learning English.
Below are some ways to help you make homework easier for everyone. Your involvement in your child's learning is important to their success, no matter what language you are using.
Develop a Homework Routine
Help your child get organized 
Make sure your child supplies has homework supplies such as: 
             -writing paper
            -a dictionary/thesaurus

Get into a routine
Set a regular time for homework every day and look for a homework area with good light. 

Limit distractions
Turn off electronic devices and the TV during homework time.
Talking About Homework

Ask your child about their homework each day. Even if you do not understand the assignment or do not speak English, you can still check to see that it is finished. 

Talk with your child about what they are learning in your home language and ask them to explain new concepts and vocabulary to make sure they understand them. 

Extra Help

Use the library for books and computers
The school and public libraries are great places for homework help, books, reference resources, and computer/Internet access. 

Learn about your school's after-school programs
Ask your child's teacher if any programs are available at your school.

Talk with your child's teacher
Find out what the teacher's homework expectations are. If your child has a problem completing or understanding homework, call or e-mail the teacher to talk about the issue. Request an interpreter if necessary to communicate with your child's teacher.