Keeping the Home Language Alive
A few weeks ago I blogged about the importance of keeping the home language alive. Here are some important reasons as outlined by the CBE:
-Your child will develop stronger English skills if you continue to use and develop your home language.
-Your home language will help your child to learn. When a child knows about things in the home language, he or she will learn about things in the second language more easily.
-Your home language supports your child’s sense of identity.
-Knowing the home language helps children to communicate easily within the family and the community.
Here are some ways to help keep the home language at home:
-Your home language will help your child to learn. When a child knows about things in the home language, he or she will learn about things in the second language more easily.
-Your home language supports your child’s sense of identity.
-Knowing the home language helps children to communicate easily within the family and the community.
Here are some ways to help keep the home language at home:
-Talk to your children in the language you know best.
-Talk more about current events and issues.
-Go to formal and informal home language community events.
-Go to religious, family, or cultural events in the home language.
-Enroll your child in heritage or international language programs. (e.g. Southern Alberta Heritage --Language Association: 403-233-7998)
-Show support for heritage or international language programs by visiting classes and developing relationships with teachers.
-Talk about why it is important to keep first language growing at home.
-Visit the public library and sign out resources in your first language.
The Calgary Board of Education and the Calgary Public Library will be holding an evening information session(s) with more on this topic on Wednesday, April 17, 2019. Specifics on the location and time are given below. All parents and caregivers are invited to attend.
-Talk more about current events and issues.
-Go to formal and informal home language community events.
-Go to religious, family, or cultural events in the home language.
-Enroll your child in heritage or international language programs. (e.g. Southern Alberta Heritage --Language Association: 403-233-7998)
-Show support for heritage or international language programs by visiting classes and developing relationships with teachers.
-Talk about why it is important to keep first language growing at home.
-Visit the public library and sign out resources in your first language.
The Calgary Board of Education and the Calgary Public Library will be holding an evening information session(s) with more on this topic on Wednesday, April 17, 2019. Specifics on the location and time are given below. All parents and caregivers are invited to attend.