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Learning English as a New Language: Frequently Asked Questions
As a newcomer to Canada and as a parent with a school age child, you may have many questions regarding how the school system will work to support your child in learning English. Once your child is registered in school, the school will begin the process of supporting your child.
How will my child learn English at school?
Assessing Your Child’s English Language
· Your child’s teacher will evaluate how well your child uses English at the beginning of the school year. Assessing your child’s English language level is important. It helps your child’s teachers know the best way to teach your child English.
· Teachers may use one or more tests when your child arrives at school to help them know your child’s language level.
· Many schools use the Alberta K-12 English as a Second Language (ESL) Proficiency Benchmarks to help determine a child’s English language level.
How will my child get extra help in English?
How will my child get extra help in English?
· Sometimes your child may get additional help with English from another teacher in the school.
· English language learners in junior and senior high school may take additional courses to help them learn concepts and English vocabulary. These courses help them better understand their subjects.
How long will it take for my child to learn English?
• Children may be in school for a few years before they are fluent in English. A child who is fluent will speak, read, and write correctly in English in most situations in school and outside of school.
• Children typically do not learn English at the same speed. Some children will learn English quickly while some children will take longer. This is normal.
• Also, it is important to understand that language used for talking informally develops quickly. Language used for explaining and discussing topics in school subjects takes longer.
Did You Know?
By helping your child maintain his or her home language while learning English, your child learns both languages better. The two languages will strengthen each other. It is okay to speak to your child in your home language.
How can I help my child learn English?
· Participate in events or activities to make learning another language fun.
· Encourage your child to share activities with English-speaking children.
· Children learn best when their schooling is uninterrupted. Long absences from school will increase the time it takes for your child to learn English. If your child is going to be absent due to an illness or family travel, talk to the teacher.Learn more about your child’s education by visiting
My Child’s Learning: A Parent Resource