Important Patrol Reminder: There is a patrol meeting this Thursday, December 13, 2018 at lunch in Room 22. All patrollers should bring their lunch and plan to stay for the meeting.
Writing clear sentences with appropriate vocabulary is how we communicate when sharing our ideas or conveying information in written format. One way to assist students with writing sentences and building vocabulary is with the use of sentence frames. Sentence frames are when a sentence is started and a blank space is left for the student to fill in and finish the sentence. The blanks can also be placed in the middle or end of the sentence. The student call fill in one or more words in the blank space based on their vocabulary. Pictures paired with words can also be used to fill in the sentence for students that are just building their vocabulary.
There are many benefits to using sentence frames including:
- are a useful scaffold/support for all students, including English Language Learners
- can help build both written and oral language skills
- can be adapted to any level of learning
- can be used in academic subjects besides writing; there are often many vocabulary words in math, science, and social studies that students need to learn
Students using sight word sentence frames to create meaningful sentences that they will share with one another!